What am I doing with my life?

Two entire months I have been in this hamster wheel of unproductivity, and now I understand…

I had this realization the other day that I have not done anything productive in such a long time. I have just been in my blanket burrito, letting life happen to me, and trying not to cry. Seriously. How did I get back here?

Sunday I made an effort to spend time with some friends outside of my house. My best friend, her fiancé, and I teamed up to make loaded potato soup (my favorite). I spent the morning shopping for new athletic clothes, and I spent the afternoon cooking and laughing with my friends.

Today, I pulled myself off the couch and went to the gym for the first time in about a month. It felt so good to be back in the gym doing what brought me so much joy before, but I also noticed I lost A LOT of my progress. It almost felt like I had never been to the gym before in my life. When I got home, I recorded my workout in my day planner and updated my fitbit tracking.

I realize I haven’t set or met any monthly goals since May. May! Two entire months I have been in this hamster wheel of unproductivity, and now I understand how I have gotten to this point again. I let life happen to me instead of taking control of my life. I quit making plans and goals. I was just “going with the flow”, and obviously that is not how I live the best version of myself.

I’m getting back! I jumped off the hamster wheel, and I will be getting back to feeling like a human with a purpose.

August Goals

  1. finish the piggy mansion
  1. Work out 3 days a week
  1. Create and stick to a morning routine
  1. Finish a book
  1. Plan a night with friends
  1. Visit the farmers market

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